Eastman Backun BCLBQGR-SK Q Series Clarinet [PRO Level]

Price: $5,125.00
In stock

The Q Series clarinet offers those who prefer a more traditional French-style instrument the chance to experience the world of Backun. The Q series combines modern manufacturing techniques and treatments, including a carbon fibre middle joint ring, with classic grenadilla wood and silver-plated key work to produce an instrument with a truly familiar feel and playability.

Inline trill keys help reduce condensation accumulation, and precision under- and over-cut tone holes ensure impeccable intonation and response. An affordable masterpiece, the Q Series is the classic choice.

Why Buy From Johnstonbaugh's?

  • Up to 36 months of your rental payments may be applied as a discount off the purchase price
  • All instruments are shop adjusted and ready for professional performance
  • JMC is an authorized warranty center for Backun clairnets
  • Financing is available
Schedule your in-store appointment or curbside pickup with virtual consultation today!

Manufacturer: Eastman

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